

Get Inspired To Isnpire Others, that is the only purpose we all are here on this "EARTH".




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Why we seek “HAPPINESS” in the future the moment we are living now is a surprise for all of us that is why we call it “PRESENT”. Make every moment that you are living consciously with excitement,contentment,happily and satisfied in its own perspective.

We all living in this moment is cribbing about something,about the things we don’t have,lost in unproductive thoughts making every instance miserable.Why cannot we transform or uplift this state of being into something that is worth remembering,fill it with the sense of “GRATITUDE”.

THIS UNIVERSE,THIS WORLD,THIS LIFE is full of miraculous happenings and events all the time,which we fail to notice it,this is very disheartening and sounds awful to be in world of everything and still have nothing to be in peace,instead of such an exuberant and liveliness around us we focus more on the gloomy and boring illusion of reality.Everything happening around us is in such a state of unknown and curiosity,we feel nothing and we know nothing but still we manage to be unhappy about the things we don’t have.You have this “UNIVERSE” you can have whatever you want,avail the infinite benefits which this life has to offer us.Did we ever try to feel the importance and have a sense of realization of alll what we have in our life,ignoring all the sensation of having everything in them but still manage to crib them in some way or the other.

CAN WE FEEL THE LIVELINESS AND AVAILABILITY OF EVERYTHING WE NEED IS AROUND US AND BE CONTENT WITH WHAT YOU HAVE,SOUNDS LIKE A SATURATION POINT,RIGHT? No,not at all if we respect and devote time to the beings we are connected to and feel feel the energy they possess,honor them wholeheartedly.   






The energy we all possess is limitless,don’t ever judge your potency through your failures,they are the building blocks or the foundation of your life. The more you fail the more you learn,those who haven’t failed haven’t learned anything.


Experience is not what happens to a man,it is what a man does what happens to him. -ALDOUS HUXLEY


If you can’t be a pine on the top of the hill,

Be a scrub in the valley-but be

The best little scrib by the side of the rill;

Be a bush, if you can’t be a tree.
If you can’t be a bush, be a bit of the grass,

And some highway happier make;

If you can’t be a muskie, then just be a bass-

But the liveliest bass in the lake!
We can’t all be captains, we’ve got to be crew,

There’s something for all of us here.

There is big work to do and there is lesser to do

And the task we must do is the near.
If you can’t be a highway, then just be a trail

If you can’t be the sun,be a star;

It isn’t by size that you win or fail-

Be the best of whatever you are!

Life is a “HOAX”

It all started when we becomes the part of the grading system in which the whole world is included.The first basic step is  when we are BORN and reach an age where we can get involved,be a part of this system is by taking admission in kindergarten  which grades us and decide when we are capable of entering first grade  ,then these gradung system binds us that we lose our identity in its way of following this incoherent system,then after some more grading we are promoted to high school where we meet higher intelligence of mass following the same brood,which has the capability and potential to act as inhuman as we can be which turns us into a more bullheaded artificia being.Now after this, comes the stage where  we totally learn to sellout our 2 I’s : (intelligence and individuality). We attain to follow the power of paper i.e “MONEY”  forgetting what we arme and what we want to do.jumps on the very first train which comes in our way just to be secure but is it the right train we are now into?Don’t you think we soukd have been into the right train if we had patience and let our heart speaks out what is it that we want with our LIFE,no i guess we have to take choicxe so heartlessly that we surrender “PEACE” in order to survive this culture full of inhumanity and dumbness, but if anyone tries to go out this league,tye culture binds us in,if we still overpass that society creates a wall of “mediocrity” which very few people escape by.Rest of the 99% pursue the ongoing system taking the job and starts their journey of an imbecile  being by beating their ass out all the time in order to earn the comforts and luxuries which they fails to acheive neither for their present nor even for the future.After getting the job they enjoy that doomsday everyday killing themselves upfront but still enjoy after coming back from from it at home the electronic colorless reproductive life,their dreamland is to fill their life with these electronic gadgets reproduction to replace the emptiness and inner turmoil.


After killing almost half of their lives with full of procrastination,speculations and criticism comes the retirement phase for this they have thrived all their life just to earn an ample amount of money for their leasure and pleasure.Let me be very clear about this phase whey they dream as a life well lived is a facet of impotency,foul teeth,restless weak body which is jilling its own parts just to survive but no they think now is the time to live their life which is nothing but another phase of an unreal life brimmed with empty expectations.They gave up their while charisma,charm,individuality every presnt moment to enjoy the pleasures of the lufe in the face of “DEATH”.

What are we upto and where is our life leading us  depends on what our present moment is all about.

Let me tell you something:

Only those person can live and think about future when they are living every moment of their life consciously in the present moment,nor past not future but PRESENT.

This moment …..breathe in and be aware of what you make out of your life make it worth living it not just to strive.

“Think before you do somethung let your heart speaks what is it that you really want nit what others tells you”

Only one thing changed Les Brown’s life

Someone’s opionion does not have to be your REALITY.

Live it m,feel it and embrace your life.

Thank you

Bless you

Wise Quotes

A man is a FOOL who cant be angry, but a man is WISE who wont be angry”

“If selfish people try to take advantage of you, cross them off your list,but dont try to get evev.When you try to get even,you HURT yourself more than you hurt the other fellow”


Today, i am going to discuss something which is very important for achieving any kind of stability-consciousness,mindfulness and alertness.
First of all what is “Consciousness”, according to me ,is when you can feel the environment around you more vividly and can interconnect what is in within you with what is happening outside,when we are conscious we can feel the fascinating creativity of the world we form around us like our ear converts the vibrations of air and make it sound,temperature of light falling on our body is converted into heat or cold,our eyes see only those things which absorb light and this is how we make our world which is in all perfectly synchronised with our breaths.
That is why breath is the most important part of meditation.When we are conscious we just focus on our breath and the world around us unites with all our moments,the vividness of this reality is more real than any other reality we relate ourselves with.
During this phase we come across several dilemmas about whatever is happening around us and weather it is happening or we are making it happen,or we say that we are GOD or a SLAVE of this moment,in both ways you right!!because whatever we are feeling at this moment is just a mere happening and at the same time we are controlling it.We live in the world, we create it and when you are conscious “THE  WORLD AND WE ARE ONE”

“WE ARE THE WORLD”Consciousness

Take a deep breath , leave the unconscious state you are living now and live in this moment like never before be more alert,conscious and mind full in every activity you are involved.We are all here on this beautiful planet to live a life full of experiences by being more alert with what is happening around you,when you try this you will notice that you are above all your unwanted situations,expectations and circumstances and that is when you achieve real stability and peace of mind.


For every ailment under the sun,

There is a remedy, or there is none,

If there be one, try to find it,

If there be none, never mind it.






We all living in this world have different approach towards our life,but there is one thing i need to tell you about what most people are unaware or ignorant about the fact,that we all are just trying to follow what others are doing,were they stand,how much they earn. In fact this is not our business or our sole purpose to see what others are trying to do and how do they do it.we please ourselves by thinking more about others and less about ourselves,rather than dwelling yourself into a person who you are not be a person who you are,so that you can proudly say “I AM WHAT I AM“. Life is mean and selfish,if you try to copy others dreams and make it your own,then there will be time when u will FALL,lose hope and from here just decide who you are gonna be how you are gonna be,manifest your own dream fight for it and stand tall against all the odds. “BEAT IT TO WIN IT”. Its better to try something than doing nothing. Life guides you through it,if you have the will and the desire then nothing can stop you from achieving it.Don’t be a “copycat” make your own identity and don’t lose your individuality. Love what you do and live it with dignity and respect. I know we all don’t wanna be the puppets of the society. So go out and seek what you want.

lets take an example of :-

 One Thing Successful People Don’t DO IS THAT :


Henry Ford stands tall as a pioneer of modern business, yet this founder of the Ford Motor . Company failed many times on his route to success. His first business attempt at building a motor car was shuttered after just a year and a half when stockholders lost confidence in his ability to succeed. He gathered more cash and re-started his effort, but a year later was forced out of his own company yet again. The entire motor industry had lost faith in Henry Ford, but he was not deterred. He found another investor to start the Ford Motor Company, and the rest is history.

Listen to your own heart and understand the language of it. We call it as “the language of world”, “the language of the soul”. once you do what your heart says it to you then u will have the desire to achieve it,that burning desire which will help you never giving up on your dreams.

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